Input of meals
For entering goods you should input category and items ( it is possible input goods without items ). Then must be entered the good and added it into the menu.
Main menu> Manage> Products> Categories> Add Category
Input category name. Point the category of products are from bar or not. This setting is very important because later the calculation of the Inventory items depends on the product made in the kitchen or in the bar.
Inventory Items Input
Main menu> Manage> Products> Inventory Items> Add Inventory Item
Input the name, choose a unit of measurement and critical quantity. If you wish, the Inventory items can be divided into groups such as meat, fish, and so on.
Products input
Main menu> Manage> Products> Product List> Add Product
Input the name, other name. Other name used in cases when it needs to print bill (Ticket) in two languages. Select a Category: Add the Inventory Items which determine the price of the product. You should add the inventory items and their quantities in recipe for one portion. During the sale the inventory items will be deducted from warehouse list according to the recipe.
Main menu> Manage> Products>Menu list > Edit Menu list
On the left side is the menu categories list, in brackets there is quantity of the products in this category. Note that these categories are the same with the categories of products or be a completely different from the categories of products .
Here you can add, delete and edit menu categories, as well as add or delete products from the categories.
To add a product in the category you need to stop at that category and click on the [Edit Category Products] button. A window will be opened with a list of products.
From the list of products (left part) point the product (1), click on >>button (2) then the product will appear in the list of selected products. It is possible to filter the product with the help of search field. Selected products can be removed from menu moving them from the right side to the left.