Printers and printer settings
In GregSys software Print operations are made by print jobs, which in their turn needs printer and printer templates in the system.
Main menu> Manage> Settings> Printers> Add Printer
Input the printer name, select the printer name from the available printers list of operating system. Printer type select Windows printer, and leave the rest fields unaltered. After this action in Gregsys system will appear a printer, with the help of which later will be created print jobs.
The printer template is for creating the content of printable part.
Main menu> Manage>Settings-> Printer Templates> Add Printer Template
Input the template name. Then you need to input templates for Header template, Gift template, Void line template and footer template (if it is necessary). At the right side of the printer template you can find the Rules. Additional rules are follows:
<T> (Title): Designs the title line.
<F> (Fill): For example <F> - creates a line symbols <F> = creates a line = symbols.
<EB> (Enable Bold) prints in bold up to <DB> command.
<DB> (Disable Bold) to cancel <EB> command.
<Jxx> (Justified) Align text to both the left and right margins.
• <Cxx> (Center) Same as <J00> but centers the text.
• <Lxx> (Left) Same as <J00> but align text to the left.
• <Rxx> (Right) Same as <J00> but align text to the right.
• <BEEP> (Beep Sound) If the printer has an opportunity of sound, in the case of this command it will make sound. Usually it is used at the end of the pinter template and informs the user that something has printed. Very useful for kitchen printers
<BMPx> prints the picture by the address. For example "<BMP7> C: \ logo.bmp" where "7" is size of image: Is it possible to print the picture at the left, right or in the center. For example:
<BMP> C: \ logo.bmp
the logo will be printed on the left side. If replace <L00> with <C00> - the picture will be printed in the middle of the page, and in the case of <R00> the picture will be in the right side.
<CLxxxx> This command divides the printable part in 4 parts by this relationship.
For example <CL5122> {NAME} | {QUANTITY} | {TOTAL} | {TOTAL AMOUNT} the first part will be 50% of printable part, 10% the second, third and fourth will be 20%. The may done also command <CW5122> without dividing lines.
Main menu> Manage> Settings> Print Jobs -> Add Print Job
Ինպւտ the name of the print job . Choose [Printing content] field. This field accepts the following values:
All lines
Only New Lines
Lines Grouped by Barcode
Lines Grouped by Group Code
Lines Grouped by Tag
New Line by Print Line Count
Last Paid Lines
From this value mainly used [All Lines] and [Only New Line]. For example, [All Lines] used during the creation of bill (ticket) for the customer. [Only New Line] is used when it is needed to create a ticket for printing orders in the kitchen.
After inputting [Button Header] field value there will appear a button with the name of it, pressing which will work print job.
[Auto Print After] if field can accept the the following values:
Manually - In this case the print job will work only by users click on the button of print job.
New Lines Added to ticket - In this value the print job will work if added new lines automatically.
Ticket payed- Print job works when you pay for the bill (ticket).
The remained fields are the follows:
Lock Ticket- after Print Job work the bill (ticket) is locked.
Close Ticket - after Print Job work the ticket is removed from the page of orders.
Display at POS screen - a button is added in the page of taking order if [Button Header] field is not empty.
Display at payment screen - a button is added in the page of payment if [Button Header] field is not empty.
Always without taxes - prints only the lines that are tax-free
Only for old Tickets - print job will work only during watching the old tickets.
It is possible to make printer to work automatically in the case of the following payment types cash, credit card and vouchers.
Then should be add the lines on the printer display, due to which will be decided what conditions should satisfy printed lines and where should be printed those lines. These fields are the follows:
Warehouse- filters by warehouse
Tags- filters by ticket tags
From Bar- filters by the kitchen or bar
Product group - filters by product category
Product - Filters by product
Printer - Shows the printer which prints the lines
Printer template - shows which printers template should print the lines.
After creating the Print Job we need to add it into the terminal.
Main menu> Manage> Settings> Terminals> Edit Terminal
Click [Select Print job ] button
Move the Print Job from the left side to the right side, then that Job will become active for the terminal